• Introduction to Safety and Security

    School security is a function that we here at ÐÜèAVÊÓƵ must take very serious
    no matter our role or function. The purpose of this resource page is to
    ensure that everyone here at ÐÜèAVÊÓƵ works together to make sure our
    students have a safe place to learn, grow and thrive. If everyone does their
    part, we can pride ourselves on being the safest place to work, live and play.
    This resource page will assist staff with understanding district policies and
    procedures as it relates to emergency preparedness, suggestions and
    recommendations to improve school safety, key terminologies that you
    should be familiar with and a Q&A Section.

    Our children are our most important resource. Ensuring that they are safe in
    our schools, is our most important task. Let’s work together to make that


Meet Your Campus Safety Team

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